Hello, I need some help. I'm developing an application for Android tablets, and I'm using SD_FlexGrid. The system is working, but I occasionally get an error: "Refresh: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 0" when I try to load new data into the Grid (I clear the existing grid and want to fill it with new data). What could be the cause of this? Please help; the code for refreshing the grid is here:
System works correctly, I received just in log following msg: Refresh: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 0
What can be wrong? Or should I just ignore this message?
Thank you...
' clear existing selection
' clear all existing rows
Query = $"select wo.WoID as wo,
jo.JobID as job,
jo.Title as title,
jo.StatusName as statusname,
jo.CustomerName as customer,
wo.Lenght as dolzina,
wo.Width as sirina,
wo.ProductName as productname,
wo.MaterialName as materialname
from DiLiteWorkOrders wo inner join DiLiteJobs jo on jo.JobID = wo.JobID
where not exists(select * from DiLiteTransactions ac where ac.WoID = wo.WoId) and
(exists(select * from DiLiteTasks tk where tk.WorkOrderID = wo.WoId and (lower(tk.Operation) = lower('${IzbranaOperacija}') or lower('${IzbranaOperacija}') = 'vse operacije')))
order by wo desc"$
Dim rs As ResultSet = comDb.SqlLite.ExecQuery(Query)
' while records existing
Do While rs.NextRow
Dim Kvadratura As String = rs.GetString("dolzina") & "x" & rs.GetString("sirina")
tblNalogiNovi.AddRow(Array As Object(rs.GetInt("job"), rs.GetInt("wo"), rs.GetString("title"), rs.GetString("statusname"), rs.GetString("customer"), rs.GetString("dolzina"), rs.getstring("sirina"), Kvadratura, rs.GetString("productname"), rs.GetString("materialname")), True)
If rs.RowCount <> 0 Then tblNalogiNovi.Invalidate
' color odd lines
Dim Num As Int = 1
For x = 0 To tblNalogiNovi.RowCount - 1
If Num Mod 2 == 0 Then
tblNalogiNovi.SetRowCustomize(x, xui.Color_Black, B4XPages.MainPage.ColorLG, xui.CreateDefaultFont(15))
End If
Num = Num + 1
System works correctly, I received just in log following msg: Refresh: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 0
What can be wrong? Or should I just ignore this message?
Thank you...