Android Question Second B4A project replaces the previous one when installed


New Member

I haven't found any answear for my question so I guess it's realy so simple that nobody ever even asked:)

I wrote an application, lets say APPLICATION1, ald installed on my phone.
Then i wrote another app, lets say APPLICATION2. They both work, but application2 when installing always replaces the application1. They were two diffrent projects, what should I change to install both of them without replacing the previously installed one??


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Let me say: NO, you DID NOT write a second one. You have made a copy of the folder and then you have recompiled the "new" app.
But did you gave the new one a new (other) package-name?

Maybe you wrote a new one but then i think you did not change the packagename from b4a.example to something own. For ex b4a.cwanish.myfirst and the second app should have its OWN name. for ex b4a.cwanish.mysecond

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