All possible, but of course there are a number of questions you need to answer (for yourself)...
1) wireless or wired (wireless I guess from the above, but just trying to think through all your options)
2) method - WiFi - well you'd need something to sort out network addresses, so a router which is DHCP.. and both the android device and PC to be on the same network OR Bluetooth (but that could be hampered by the filesize and connection speed)
3) security - how do you know the file is legitimate and doesn't contain any malicious or just plain spam or unwanted.
I think you are looking to use WiFi and you can of course just connect using something similar to the way the B4A Bridge works. It's all about creating a tube, working out what sort of tube it is and then putting something at one end and something else at the other end and then sending whatever data it is you need to send.
4) What should happen (if anything) once the file is received
5) How does the mobile device know if the file was received successfully or not? What are the consequences of failure to send/receive/partial receive etc.. should it attempt a re-send or is this 'okay'?
6) What should happen if the connection drops or breaks during transmission? Should it be re-sent? Should the User of the mobile device be informed of this
7) Is it just one device to one PC or multiple devices and a single PC?
Maybe take a look at this?
You could use B4A and B4J to work together, but there may be some network and/or firewall or other security issues to overcome first.