not clear where the error is occurring. more of the log is needed..
i want to look into your choice of code a little bit. some things don't look right, but there are a lot of ways to do things. are you cutting and pasting from different posts?
try this to keep things simpler for the moment:
dim pm as packemanager
dim intent as intent
intent.PutExtra("text","hello, kattah!" )
Dim possibleApps As List = pm.QueryIntentActivities(intent)
If possibleApps.IsInitialized Then
Log("your device claims it has " & possibleApps.Size & " app(s) to handle images...")
End If
in my case, i usually prefer to choose which app i want to share with. in your case, it's different because you're using a dedicated receiver, but let's start simple.
as you may know, you have to make sure there is an app that can handle your share, otherwise there is a crash. that's what pm.queryintentactivities() is about. there is another shorter way to handle that.
so, try the above. if you still get the same error message, my guess is you might have dimmed another intent somewhere else in your code. the error log would probably clarify that.