ok thanx i will explain exactly what i want to do
i have build a new app
what the app does (in few words) you create a job with up to 4 actions like wifi on, gps off, ringer off
and give to this a job a tap code, now if you would like to perform those 3 actions you dont need to go to settings
and turn wifi on and then mute the phone and... (there are more complex actions) u just enter the app tap the tapcode and it will perform the actions now i would like to give the possibility to set for each job a schedule so the job will perform at given time
for example every night at 22:00 tunr wifi,gps,bluetooth off, mute the phone,...
the problem is the user define his jobs and i dont know hoe many jobs he will define thatswhy i cannot create endless service modules for each job he create
so what i need to do is create a list with all jobs that include a shedule and every time the user add a new job with a schedule it will add to the list and sort it by the time and also by day of the week, and when the service starts it will search for the next near job and startserviceat....
and when the user want to cancel a service he will just remove it from the list the service will run until the list is empty there the service will stop
or you have a better idea??
what will happen if the user will enter for 2 jobs the same starttime of the service and same day of the week?
the service will start only one job, or i will check if there is another job with the same starttime and perform immediately the next job
there is a very good app that u can set a lot of rules it calls
i am wondering how he solved this problem??