Simple data base


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I am seeking someone to develop the code for a simple database. The code will be included into a current project. Due to my time constraints I felt it was more than a request for help and therefore deserved compensation.

The database will be accessed by 2 types of apps.

The first app scans a upc barcode and that information is loaded into the database, probably 10 fields. When the scan app is opened records older than 60 days will be deleted. Previously scanned barcodes, those listed and active in the database will be rejected.

The second app will be game apps. There may be several game apps but only one will be open at any time, and accessing the database. Part of the barcode information will be credits and games will not play without credits. Before each game begins the game app will update the credit field in the database, reducing or increasing the credits. In addition among the database fields are special wins. There may be 0 or 20 special wins and the special wins will be randomly displayed over the number of plays available. When the special wins are displayed that special win is deleted from the database. When and how the special wins are displayed will be handled in the game app.

I believe the summary of the project is as follows.
1) 1 new record at a time is added from the barcode scan
2) The credit value of each new record is added to the sum of credits.
3) Records exceeding 60 days will be automatically deleted.
4) The data base will be accessed by multiple apps.
5) The credits and special win fields will be updated between each play of the game apps reflecting the current credits balance and the displaying of special wins.

Anyone interested please respond, I am pressed for time.


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Interested here.

The barcode scan - how is this accomplished?


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Barcode scan is already. The code is separated into segments and the segments are the data going into the records. Other than the date I believe all of the data fields are 4 characters long. Just the database which as stated I believe is simple but I do not have the time needed to learn.

Not knowing the protocol I believe a method for email contact is provided. Please write me with your costs and timing, plus payment preference. Also please add general availability because the scope seems to continue growing.


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My understanding of your requirements is as follows:-

1 - you have the bar code scanning accomplished! It just needs to be integrated into your database program.

2 - you have the structure of the tables that will make up your database

3 - the database will be stored in an area that will allow access by multiple programs.

4 - You want a b4a program that, when executed will do some housekeeping (erase all records that are 60 days or older from the database) then wait for a bar code scan. When a bar code scan is read a new record will be added to the database and balance field(s) updated based on the content of the code scanned

5 - the program will periodically update itself (the display) with the current balance

6 - you require the b4a source code

Assuming you have a code fragment in b4a that accesses the bar code scanner my proposal is for US$250 to be completed in a week (probably less) and payment by paypal.

You can get me via my email [email protected]
