B4A Library SimplePGP - Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify

This is a wrap around this Github-project.
It wraps the Android Part of it using some additional jars from bouncycastle and spongycastle for the Encryption Provider

A B4J Version is available here.

I just did it out of curiosity :)
Based on the Size of the Additional jars you need to download them here.

Author: DonManfred (wrapper)
  • PGPKeyPairGenerator
    • Functions:
      • generateKeyPair (userId As String, password As String, publicKey As java.io_OutputStream, secrectKey As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • generateKeyPair2 (userId As String, password As String, keySize As Int, publicKey As java.io_OutputStream, secrectKey As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean

        userId: the user id for the PGP key pair
        password: the password used to secure the secret (private) key
        keySize: the custom key size
        publicKey: the target stream for the public key
        secrectKey: the target stream for the secret (private) key
        Return type: @return:
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
  • PGPMessageEncryptor
    • Functions:
      • decrypt (passwordOfReceiversPrivateKey As String, privateKeyOfReceiver As java.io.InputStream, encryptedData As java.io.InputStream, target As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • decrypt2 (passwordOfReceiversPrivateKey As String, privateKeyOfReceiver As java.io.InputStream, publicKeyOfSender As java.io.InputStream, encryptedData As java.io.InputStream, target As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • encrypt (publicKeyOfRecipient As java.io.InputStream, inputDataName As String, plainInputData As java.io.InputStream, target As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • encrypt2 (publicKeyOfRecipient As java.io.InputStream, privateKeyOfSender As java.io.InputStream, userIdOfSender As String, passwordOfSendersPrivateKey As String, plainInputData As java.io.InputStream, inputDataName As String, target As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • init (arg0 As Boolean, params As org.spongycastle.crypto.CipherParameters)
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • messageDecrypt (arg0 As Byte()) As Byte()
      • messageEncrypt (arg0 As Byte()) As Byte()
  • PGPMessageSigner
    • Functions:
      • Initialize (EventName As String)
      • signMessage (privateKeyOfSender As java.io.InputStream, userIdForPrivateKey As String, passwordOfPrivateKey As String, message As java.io.InputStream, signature As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean
      • verifyMessage (publicKeyOfSender As java.io.InputStream, message As java.io.InputStream, signatureStream As java.io.InputStream) As Boolean
    • Properties:
      • CompressionAlgorithm As Int [write only]
      • UnlimitedEncryptionStrength As Boolean [write only]

Please note the #AdditionalJar lines...

#AdditionalJar: bcpkix-jdk15on-
#AdditionalJar: bcprov-jdk15on-1.59
#AdditionalJar: bctls-jdk15on-
#AdditionalJar: pg-
#AdditionalJar: sc-core-
#AdditionalJar: sc-prov-
#AdditionalJar: slf4j-api-1.7.25

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Dim pgpkeys As PGPKeyPairGenerator
    Dim signer As PGPMessageSigner
    Dim crypt As PGPMessageEncryptor
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
    Dim publicKey As OutputStream
    publicKey = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal,"PublicKey.pem",False)
    Dim secretKey As OutputStream
    secretKey = File.OpenOutput(File.DirRootExternal,"SecretKey.pem",False)

    Log(pgpkeys.generateKeyPair("userID","mysecretpassword",publicKey, secretKey))
    'crypt.encrypt(publickeyofreceipient, "Test",plaininputdata, destfile)
End Sub


  • SimplePGPEx.zip
    7.1 KB · Views: 491
  • src.zip
    21 KB · Views: 494
  • SimplePGPV1.0.zip
    31.4 KB · Views: 524
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Licensed User
Can you explain what is inputDataName and plainInputData parameters?
I just want to encrypt a string
The string is inputDataname?
What should I put in plainInputData parameter?

Sorry, I'm newbie.
Can you help me?


Licensed User
Longtime User
1. You should always create a new thread for any issue you have
plainInputData parameter?
a imputstream as it requires a inputstream.
2. file.Openinput

encrypt (publicKeyOfRecipient As java.io.InputStream, inputDataName As String, plainInputData As java.io.InputStream, target As java.io_OutputStream) As Boolean

For any further issue; please create a new thread in the questionsofrum.
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