Jan 9 2012
13:30 Hours
I created a little app to allow me to view the ages of all of my nieces and nephews. Very handy for birthdays and Xmas.
In B4A, I used the no. of ticks for both the currentdate and birthdate and then substracted them like this:
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("yyyy", OtherDate, Now())
then for 'months, I used the following code; namely,
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("m", OtherDate, Now())
then for 'days', you could use the following:
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("d", OtherDate, Now())
I have uploaded a sample app for your perusal.
Any comments would be appreciated!
Ray Tesluk :sign0104:
Port Hope ON
13:30 Hours
I created a little app to allow me to view the ages of all of my nieces and nephews. Very handy for birthdays and Xmas.
In B4A, I used the no. of ticks for both the currentdate and birthdate and then substracted them like this:
'Get No. of Ticks of Current Date CurrentDate Long = Primitive Variable
CurrentDate = DateTime.DateParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now))
'Get No. of Ticks of OtherDate OtherDate Long = Primitive Variable
OtherDate = DateTime.DateParse(sDate)
'Subtract OtherDate Ticks FROM CurrentDate Ticks Divide By Total TicksPerDay Then No. of Days Per Year = 365 Usually Leap Year 366
NumOfYears = (CurrentDate - OtherDate)/(DateTime.TicksPerDay)/365.25
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("yyyy", OtherDate, Now())
then for 'months, I used the following code; namely,
'Subtract OtherDate Ticks FROM CurrentDate Ticks Divide By Total TicksPerDay Then No. of Months Per Year Add Up Days/Month And Take The Average = 30.42
NumOfMonths = (CurrentDate - OtherDate)/(DateTime.TicksPerDay)/30.42
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("m", OtherDate, Now())
then for 'days', you could use the following:
'Subtract OtherDate Ticks FROM CurrentDate Ticks Divide By Total TicksPerDay
NumOfMonths = (CurrentDate - OtherDate)/(DateTime.TicksPerDay)
I think that's the same thing in VB6 as
DateDiff("d", OtherDate, Now())
I have uploaded a sample app for your perusal.
Any comments would be appreciated!
Ray Tesluk :sign0104:
Port Hope ON
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