Share My Creation SithasoDaisy jSerial (Port) Communication WebApp Source Code

Hi there

As it takes time to create, debug these projects, the source code for this WebApp is DonationWare. Find the PayPal link below.
When donating, please indicate that it's for SithasoDaisy jSerial.

I'm excited that this is going fairly well.


Chat App


Libraries Used


Opening the Web App

Virtual Ports

Download Null Modem Emulator

Download Hecules

Content of Interest

If App Does not compile

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Licensed User
Wow wow wow and wow
I often use communications via rs232 and hercules for both rs232 and tcp client/server
And even if I still don't quite understand what the program you indicated does 😄, I think it will be the next toy to test


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you so much @amorosik

The WebApp is for communicating with a com port via the jSerial b4j library.

On my side however I don't have any com ports on my laptop, so I had to emulate them. So I created a bridge between com12 and 13 on the emulator. With Hercules, I can open a port and then send stuff to it. So this is more like a chat application.

The webapp is developed using BANanoServer, the jetty webserver built for BANano.