Android Code Snippet SMS Baloon Labels

Hi Friends

I have created Baloon Labels for SMS Chat App .. Source code is attached for your reference.



  • SMS Baloon
    16.5 KB · Views: 884
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Is it possible to change the Labels Border Width and Color?

Yes label border width and color both can be changed .

For border width change in below line under Sub Create_label

scrl.Panel.AddView(Pnl1,10%x,Pnltp,85%x,-2) '-------- current width is 85%

Label color can be changed under Sub Create_label

Clrs(0) = Colors.RGB(226,255,201)
Clrs(1) = Colors.RGB(226,255,201)
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Yes label border width and color both can be changed .

For border width change in below line under Sub Create_label

scrl.Panel.AddView(Pnl1,10%x,Pnltp,85%x,-2) '-------- current with is 85%

Label color can be changed under Sub Create_label

Clrs(0) = Colors.RGB(226,255,201)
Clrs(1) = Colors.RGB(226,255,201)

1. Is it possible to make the width autoadjust if there´s a word which is less than the fixed width of 85 %? If I write "Ok", for instance, it´d be good that the label is more narrow.
2. Can selected messages be right adjusted so that in a conversation, the other partys messages will appear to the right?

Thanks in advance!


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you can try putting -2 for auto adjusting width instead of 85% ..

Thanks atulindore! Maybe a silly question, but what exactly does it mean when you put a negative value there? -100 would be different than -2, right?