SMS Extra (for multi part SMS)
Hello everybody, I want share my lib.
This lib avaible multi part sms with many times, repeatedly.
I have a little sample at attachment
Note: Type SMSList(GSM_Encoding As Boolean,SMS_Total_length As Int,SMS_count As Int,GSM_NO As String,Message As String, SMS_Delivered_Part As Int, SMS_Sent_Status_Part As Int, SMS_Sent_Status As String )
Updatede: 1.1. Remove Holetheme
Special thanks for helps : @Sorin Pohontu , @Erel
#Event: SMSdeliverystatus(PhoneNumber as string, SMS_list as SMSList )
This event work each part of SMS when deliverd
#Event: SMSsendstatus(PhoneNumber as string, SMS_list as SMSList )
This event work each part of SMS when sending
This event work when all sending process compaled for a SMS
After you can send a new a sms. Because Phone is ready for new sms
After you can send a new a sms. Because Phone is ready for new sms
This event work when all delivery process compaled for a SMS
After SMS extra delte in own list your phone number
After SMS extra delte in own list your phone number
#Event: SMSProblem(PhoneNumber as string, ProblemStatus as string)
This event work when all delivery/sending
- ALLmessageList [as MAP]
This function return all process records.
ALLmessageList.Get("phonenumber") returned "SMSList"
Get/set value is Map("phonenumber",SMSList)
ALLmessageList.Get("phonenumber") returned "SMSList"
Get/set value is Map("phonenumber",SMSList)
- SendingProcessType [Boolean]
Get/set SMS sending process type
TRUE >> sending with JAVA CODE
FALSE >> sebding with Phone Library
TRUE >> sending with JAVA CODE
FALSE >> sebding with Phone Library
- Sub Initialize(CallbackModule As Object, cEventName As String)
SMSextra.Initialize(Me, "SMSextra")
- Sub SendNewSMS(Message As String, Phone_number As String) As Boolean
'TRUE is Mesaage send.
'FALSE is message cant send. Because Proceses contuning same phone number.
'Or other sending procees not compalate yet. you waiting complate old process.
'after You can proced
- Sub Calc_SMS_Char_Size (SMSmsg As String) As Int
- Sub Calc_SMS_Part_Count (SMSmsg As String) As Int
- Sub Calc_SMS_is_GSM_Alfabet (SMSmsg As String) As Boolean
- Sub Message_All_List_Delete
- Sub Message_List_Delete(PhoneNo As String) As Boolean
' FALSE > list in lib cant find your Phone number
' TRUE >>list in lib find your Phone number and delete it
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