First of all I would like to apologize, it may be a redundant subject but I am totally lost and not far away from giving up. Because I am now fed up to create apps that work at the office, going to clients and not working on their smartphones (this is not B4A's fault of course). I lose all credibility and I can not buy all the smartphones in the market.
My need : I have designed an app which waits for a SMS to activate. The behaviour depends on the content and the sender.
My problem : I have made the tests using the android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED intent and reflection to get the sender and the body of the message. It worked on KitKat (Moto G, Nexus 5) but not on Jelly Bean.
So I have tried to use the SmsInterceptor instead and to recover the last message and SMS to retrieve the body. This worked on Jelly Bean and before but not on KitKat.
Than I have tried to make a mix of the two, switching from one service to the other using SdkVersion, but it then worked on SOME devices only. And changing the priority didn't solved.
Please do you know a way to get this working for sure ?
Many thanks
First of all I would like to apologize, it may be a redundant subject but I am totally lost and not far away from giving up. Because I am now fed up to create apps that work at the office, going to clients and not working on their smartphones (this is not B4A's fault of course). I lose all credibility and I can not buy all the smartphones in the market.
My need : I have designed an app which waits for a SMS to activate. The behaviour depends on the content and the sender.
My problem : I have made the tests using the android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED intent and reflection to get the sender and the body of the message. It worked on KitKat (Moto G, Nexus 5) but not on Jelly Bean.
So I have tried to use the SmsInterceptor instead and to recover the last message and SMS to retrieve the body. This worked on Jelly Bean and before but not on KitKat.
Than I have tried to make a mix of the two, switching from one service to the other using SdkVersion, but it then worked on SOME devices only. And changing the priority didn't solved.
Please do you know a way to get this working for sure ?
Many thanks