SocialApi version 2.51 requires B4A 3.80
Latest packageSocialApi wrapper, sdks, providers and samples
As already seen in many android apps, the use of facebook or google+ connectivity it is a very common practice. This will show you how to properly incorporate a b4a single-sign-on (SSO) using multilple socialapi providers.
It is assumed that you have already completed at least one of the following how-to-use-a-specific-provider tutorials:
- Facebook:
- Google+:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
Available SocialApiProvider classes:
- FacebookProvider: A non activity object that can only be declared in any Sub Process_Globals.
- GooglePlusProvider: A non activity object that can only be declared in any Sub Process_Globals.
- TwitterProvider: A non activity object that can only be declared in any Sub Process_Globals.
- InstagramProvider: A non activity object that can only be declared in any Sub Process_Globals
- VkProvider: A non activity object that can only be declared in any Sub Process_Globals
- SocialApiActivity: An activity object that can be only declared in a Sub Globals and is used to bind all SocialApiProvider objects to a single SocialApiActivity through the SocialApiActivity.BindWithEvent method.
- Download the latest socialapi package and extract its contents anywhere on your hard disk and note the folder name.
- Copy the wrapper files (jar + xml) in the socialapi folder into your B4A Libraries folder
- Open the socialapi\multiple\sample1 project. The sample has AdditionalRes and AdditionalJar directives that have to be changed. Change the C:\b4a-dev folder to where you have previously extracted the socialapi package.
- Sample1: Quick single connect sample that can be used as a bare-bone template for your new apps
- Sample2: Using and maintaining 2 active providers on the same activity
Download the precompiled sample1 APK
Download the precompiled sample2 APK
Building a single social connect app using all providers (Sample1)
This sample is based on subclassing. In short, subclassing is a method in which we have a base object that defines a set of properties and methods, and classes that extend/inherit/override it.
In our case, we have a base class SocialApiProvider that exposes several properties and methods and all providers (such as FacebookProvider, GoogleProvider etc) inherit them.
For example, if we get an event raised by a Provider (FacebookProvider), we can cast the Sender object.
Dim Provider As SocialApiProvider = Social.ActiveProvider 'Casting
Log(Provider.Me) 'Will call FacebookProvider.Me
- Properties: Me, User, Connected, Ready
- Methods: Login, Logout, Deauthorize, Retry
If (Provider is FacebookProvider)
Dim Facebook as FacebookProvider = Provider
End If
Now, lets go through the sample step-by-step.
1. Create a new folder in your app root folder named AppConfig\Values. In there, create a new file named strings.xml and add your facebook app details (app_name and app_id):
<string name="app_id"><your_app_id></string>
<string name="app_name"><your_app_name></string>
2. Add following code to your manifest:
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />)
android:name="com.vk.sdk.VKOpenAuthActivity" />)
3. Add following directives to your project's main file:
'FACEBOOK related directives
#AdditionalRes: ..\AppConfig
#AdditionalRes: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\facebook\sdk\res
#AdditionalJar: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\facebook\sdk\facebooksdk.jar
'GOOGLE+ related directives
#AdditionalRes: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\googleplus\sdk\res,
#AdditionalJar: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\googleplus\sdk\gplussdk.jar
'Twitter related directives
#AdditionalRes: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\twitter\sdk\res
#AdditionalJar: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\twitter\sdk\twittersdk.jar
'Instagram related directives
#AdditionalRes: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\instagram\sdk\res
#AdditionalJar: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\instagram\sdk\instagramsdk.jar
' related directives
#AdditionalRes: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\vk\sdk\res, com.vk.sdk
#AdditionalJar: <your-installation-folder>\socialapi\vk\sdk\vksdk.jar
4. Select the SocialApi library from the list of the available libraries in the IDE.
5. In the Social code module, we define all our available providers and add them in a global array
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim Facebook As FacebookProvider
Dim GooglePlus As GooglePlusProvider
Dim Twitter As TwitterProvider : Twitter.Initialize("<your-consumer-key>", "<your-consumer-secret>")
Dim Instagram As InstagramProvider : Instagram.Initialize("<your-client-id>","<your-client-secret>","<your-callback-url>")
Dim Vk As VkProvider : Vk.Initialize("<your-app-id>")
'Add all providers to a global array to be used by verious functions in other modules/activities
Dim Providers() As SocialApiProvider = Array As SocialApiProvider (Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter, Instagram, Vk)
End Sub
6. In the Social code module, we built a function that will return the currently active (connected) provider
Sub ActiveProvider As SocialApiProvider
'Traverse the providers array and find the already connected provider if any
For i=0 To Providers.Length-1
If Providers(i).Connected Then
Return Providers(i)
End If
Return Null
End Sub
7. In the Main activity module, we define a local SocialApiActivity object that will be used in the Sub Activity_Resume to bind our array of providers to it and set the event prefix
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim ThisActivity As SocialApiActivity
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
ThisActivity.InitializeAndBind(Social.Providers, "provider")
End Sub
8. In the Main activity module, we define the events that will be raised
Sub Provider_Event (Provider As SocialApiProvider)
'Since this event will be raised by all providers, we don't want to process events
'from other providers if we are already connected
If Social.ActiveProvider <> Null AND Social.ActiveProvider <> Provider Then Return
BtnConnect.Enabled = Not(Provider.Connected)
BtnDisconnect.Enabled = Provider.Connected
BtnDeAuthorize.Enabled = Provider.Connected
PnlActions.Visible = Provider.Connected AND Provider.Ready
LbConnectedWith.Text = Provider.Type.ToLowerCase
LbConnectedWith.TextColor = IIF(Provider Is FacebookProvider, Colors.Blue, Colors.Red)
BtnAction.Text = Provider.Type.ToLowerCase & " provider specific call"
LbUserName.Text = Provider.User.Name
End Sub
Sub Provider_Connected (Provider As SocialApiProvider)
Msgbox("Welcome " & Provider.User.Name, Provider.Type & ": JustConnected!")
End Sub
Sub Provider_Disconnected (Provider As SocialApiProvider)
Msgbox("Bye bye!", Provider.Type & ": JustDisconnected!")
End Sub
Sub Provider_Failed (Provider As SocialApiProvider)
If Msgbox2("Provider '" & Provider.Type & "' failed to actualize your details."&CRLF&CRLF&"Retry?", Provider.Type & ": Error", "Yes", "No", "", Null) = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
End If
End Sub
10. In the Main activity module, we built out login/logout/deauthorize functions. Note that these functions are Provider type agnostic and access it through the base class type.
Sub BtnConnect_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnDisconnect_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnDeAuthorize_Click
End Sub
11. In the ConnectWith activity module, we define a local SocialApiActivity object and bind it to our global providers array setting an event for handling any state updates
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
Dim ThisActivity As SocialApiActivity
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
ThisActivity.InitializeAndBind(Social.Providers, "provider")
End Sub
12. In the ConnectWith activity module, we define the Provider_Connected that will handle the connected state and will inform our Main activity module
Sub Provider_Connected (Provider As SocialApiProvider)
CallSubDelayed2(Main, "Provider_Connected", Provider)
End Sub
13. In the ConnectWitn activity module, we build our login-with handlers
Sub BtnConnectWithFacebook_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnConnectWithGooglePlus_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnConnectWithTwitter_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnConnectWithInstagram_Click
End Sub
Sub BtnConnectWithVk_Click
End Sub
14. In the Main activity module, we built some testing functions in which we will call functions of t he active provider in both abstract and type specific way
Sub BtnUser_Click
Msgbox(Social.ActiveProvider.User, "User: " & Social.ActiveProvider.Type)
End Sub
Sub BtnMe_Click
Msgbox(Social.ActiveProvider.Me, "Me: " & Social.ActiveProvider.Type)
End Sub
Sub BtnAction_Click
Dim Provider As SocialApiProvider = Social.ActiveProvider
If (Provider Is FacebookProvider) Then
Dim Facebook As FacebookProvider = Provider
End If
If (Provider Is GooglePlusProvider) Then
Dim GooglePlus As GooglePlusProvider = Provider
Msgbox(GooglePlus.GetPeopleVisible, "GooglePlus.GetPeopleVisible")
End If
If (Provider Is TwitterProvider) Then
Dim Twitter As TwitterProvider = Provider
Msgbox(Twitter.GetHomeTimeline(5,0,0), "Twitter.GetHomeTimeline")
End If
If (Provider Is InstagramProvider) Then
Dim Instagram As InstagramProvider = Provider
Msgbox(Instagram.GetFeed(10), "Instagram.GetFeed")
End If
If (Provider Is VkProvider) Then
Dim Vk As VkProvider = Provider
Msgbox(Vk.GetMe(Array As String(Vk.Constants.UserFields.BDATE)), "Vk.GetMe")
End If
End Sub
Please test and post any feedback, questions, comments you may have!
That's all for now folks!~
Version history
- [SocialApi] Fixed: Map object fixes that prevented proper access to Result.Map
- [VkProvider] Added: Login permissions scopes: VkProvider.Login(Array as String(VkProvider.Constants.Permissions.FRIENDS))
- [TwitterProvider] Added: Force always ask credentials parameter (boolean) in method TwitterProvider.Login
- [SocialApi] Added: VkProvider (initial version)
- [GooglePlusProvider] Fixed: Instead of a disconnect event, a connect event was fired.
- [SocialApi] Added: BaseResult
- [SocialApi] Changed: All provider results are now derived from BaseResult
- [SocialApiProvider] Renamed: GetWithEvent to Initialize and BindWithEvent to InitializeAndBind
- [SocialApiProvider] Removed: JustConnected, JustDisconnected, Failed properties
- [SocialApiProvider] Added: Provider_Connected,Provider_Disconnected, Provider_Failed events and Ready property
- [SocialApiProvider] Added: Upload method
- [GooglePlusProvider] Changed: All calls return GoogleResult instead of Map which is derived from BaseResult
- Added sample2 in socialapi\multiple\samples
- Updated all samples with the new events
- [sdk] Update: Optimized login flow on all sdks. Please update.
- [SocialApi] Renamed: BaseProvider.User.Uid to BaseProvider.User.Id
- [TwitterProvider] Changed: GetHomeTimeline to GetTimeline(int UserId)
- [TwitterProvider] Added: GetFollowers, GetFriends
- All samples updated.
- [FacebookProvider] Added: HasPermission method.
- Restructured again into a single package after finding out how to properly use the #AdditionalRes directive to avoid conflict with other b4a libraries
- [SocialApi] Added: InstagramProvider
- [TwitterProvider] Added: TweetWithMedia method. You can now tweet with an attached file!
- [TwitterProvider] Added: Search method.
- [InstagramProvider] Added: Search method.
- Restructured all packages due to a conflict with AdMod library. Now, every provider has its own package
- [SocialApi] Added: TwitterProvider
- Migrated all existing wrappers into a single library
- Initial version
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