B4J Question [SOLVED] [ABMaterial] ABMFileInput and DownloadFolder


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ABMFileInput works fine,
Sub Class_Globals
Public DownloadFolder As String = "/www/" & ABMShared.AppName & "/uploads/"
End Sub
but it's possibile change AT RUNTIME folder destination in DownloadFolder ???
my www structure:
-> appname
--> uploads
---> pdfFolder
---> docFolder
---> other file


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In these examples, users that login belong to a company (ID).
Instead of grouping everyone's files into one folder, new folders are created based on the company ID and the file type - at runtime.

This makes cleanup and viewing much easier since a user can only access their files.

Based the the desired file's extension (.doc, pdf, jpg, etc) - make the determination of where to store OR retrieve it...

' the location of attachment files
Dim attLocation As String =  "../uploads/" &"comp_"&Maincomp_id&"/"

' or

'  Next Reports needs a place to write generated PDF report files

Maincomp_id = session.GetAttribute2("comp_id", 0) ' set the local "company" variable based on session variable
pdfFolder = File.DirApp &"/www/"& ABMShared.AppName&"/rptout_"&Maincomp_id
File.MakeDir(pdfFolder, "rptout_"&Maincomp_id)

' cleanup old PDF files - no longer needed...

    Dim mylist As List
    mylist = File.ListFiles(pdfFolder)
    If mylist.Size > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To mylist.Size-1
            If File.LastModified(pdfFolder,mylist.Get(i) ) < DateTime.Now - (DateTime.TicksPerDay * 10) Then
                Log("deleting: "&mylist.Get(i))
'                Log("NOT deleting: "&mylist.Get(i))
            End If
    End If

' upload handler....
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)    
    'get the callback page from the session (multiple modules can use this handler)
    Dim callback As Object = req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmcallback")    
'    Dim downloadfolder As String = File.Combine(File.DirApp, req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmdownloadfolder"))
    Maincomp_id = req.GetSession.GetAttribute2( "comp_id", 0)
    Dim downloadfolder As String = File.Combine(File.DirApp, "/www/" & ABMShared.AppName & "/uploads/"&"comp_"&Maincomp_id)
    If Maincomp_id = 0 Then
        Log ("--- ERROR --- MAINCOMPID IS 0 IN UPLOAD HANDLER: "&Maincomp_id)
        Log ("--- GOOD!!! --- MAINCOMPID IS CORRECT UPLOAD HANDLER: "&Maincomp_id)
    End If
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Please set title to [Solved] when completed - with preferably an example of your implementation of the issue.
We love to see how others handle these diverse situations... Gives us all food for thought along with new insight....

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here my code
into mypage "ABM Web Page"
Private Sub WebSocket_Connected (WebSocket1 As WebSocket)
ws.Session.SetAttribute("abmcallback", Me)
ws.Session.SetAttribute("abmdownloadfolder", DownloadFolder)
ws.Session.SetAttribute("abmmaxsize", DownloadMaxSize)
ws.Session.SetAttribute("abmtargetfolder", "") '<------ new
End Sub
Sub gmfileinput_Changed(value As String)
ws.Session.SetAttribute("abmtargetfolder", "folder" & subFolder ) '<------ new
file2Upload.UploadToServer 'Here the file is uploading
End Sub

and after into module "ABMUploadHandler"

Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
Dim TargetFolder As String = req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmtargetfolder") '<---- new
If File.Exists (DownloadFolder & "/" & TargetFolder, TargetFolder) = False Then
            Log("make folder for each users")
            File.MakeDir(DownloadFolder, TargetFolder)
            File.OpenOutput(DownloadFolder & "/" & TargetFolder, TargetFolder, True)
            TargetFolder = DownloadFolder & "/" & TargetFolder
End If
DownloadFolder = TargetFolder
End Sub
thanks @Harris
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