B4J Question [SOLVED] ABMaterial strange problem in modalsheet button: clik event, the first click is ignored

Gnappo jr

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In an ABMModalSheet I inserted some ABMInput and 2 ABMbutton fields
I use the ABMbutton to vary the quantities.
The first click on ABMButton I have no event, while on the second click the _click event is shown.
If instead I first click on an empty cell or any ABMInput field and then on the ABMButton, the _click event occurs correctly on the first click.
It almost seems that the first click is used to give the focu to the ABMModal sheet.
Has anyone encountered this problem?
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Is this on your desktop or a mobile device?
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Gnappo jr

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I never experienced that (and I do use modalsheets as message boxes, so a click on the close button would be the first even). Some code you could share that demonstrates this would help.

I need to change a quantity by acting on two plus and minus keys, so to learn I did the following:
I take lesson 3 of the tutorial as a starting point: [ABMaterial For Dummies]
I modified the code of the UserPage.bas module by inserting the following code in the Sub BuildInputSheet:
Sub BuildInputSheet() As ABMModalSheet
    Dim inp As ABMModalSheet
    inp.Initialize(page, "inp",  False,  False,"")
    inp.IsDismissible = False
    inp.Content.AddRowsM(5, True,0,0, "").AddCells12(1, "")
    ' add paragraph
    inp.Content.CellR(0,1).AddComponent(ABMShared.BuildParagraphBQWithZDepth(page,"par1x1","Enter the information for this user.") )
    Dim combo1 As ABMCombo
    combo1.Initialize(page, "combo1", "User Type", 650 , "lightblue")
    ' add items
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S1", "Admin", BuildSimpleItem("S1", "mdi-action-account-circle", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Admin"))
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S2", "User", BuildSimpleItem("S2", "mdi-action-account-circle", "{NBSP}{NBSP}User"))
    combo1.AddItem("combo1S0", "Guest", BuildSimpleItem("S3", "mdi-action-dashboard", "{NBSP}{NBSP}Guest"))
    Dim inpName As ABMInput
    inpName.Initialize(page, "inpName", ABM.INPUT_TEXT, "Name", False, "lightblue")
    '>Modificata --inserted--------------------------------------------------------------
    Dim qta As ABMInput
    qta.Initialize(page, "qta", ABM.INPUT_TEXT, "Quantità", False, "lightblue")
    qta.IconName = "mdi-action-add-shopping-cart"
    Dim PBtn As ABMButton
    PBtn.InitializeFloating   (page,   "PBtn", "mdi-content-add","positive")
    inp.Content.CellR( 1,1).AddComponent(PBtn)
    inp.Footer.AddRowsM(1,True,0,0, "").AddCells12(1,"")
    inp.Footer.BuildGrid 'IMPORTANT once you loaded the complete grid AND before you start adding components
    ' create the buttons for the footer, create in opposite order as aligned right in a footer
    Dim CancelBtn As ABMButton
    CancelBtn.InitializeFlat(page, "CancelBtn", "", "", "CANCEL", "transparent")
    Dim SaveBtn As ABMButton
    SaveBtn.InitializeFlat(page, "SaveBtn", "", "", "SAVE", "transparent")
    Return inp
End Sub
and I added this Sub
Sub PBtn_Clicked(Target As String) 'qta
    Dim rcell As Int=4
    'chiama la tua nuova versione di questo foglio come vuoi - purché faccia riferimento al nome della build: = page.ModalSheet ("inp")
    Dim ABMGentiInsp_TypeModal As ABMModalSheet = page.ModalSheet("inp")
    Dim qta As ABMInput
    qta.Initialize(page,   "qx", ABM.INPUT_TEXT, "Quantità "&qx, False, "lightblue")
    qta.IconName = "mdi-action-add-shopping-cart" '
End Sub
this is the modalsheet shown
Important: press the '+' key without scrolling.

I have attached the complete program that I used to study, I made some small changes to [ABM for dummies lesson 3] to adapt it to my Microsoft sqlserver database.
A heartfelt thanks to all.

Annotazione 2020-05-03 202729.PNG.jpg


  • Template.zip
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I'll have a look at it tomorrow and report back. I think it may have something to do with the scrollbar at the right (maybe somehow it got the focus?). It is rather weird that it has a scrollbar at all. The size of the the ModalSheet doesn't imply to need one. But I'll check it out!
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Easily this! it has to do with the right scroll bar I checked. If it doesn't appear, everything works.
Thanks for all.
So it has been solved?

If so, please update the subject line with [Solved] - your subject...

"it has to do with the right scroll bar I checked" - where did you manage to do this?

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Gnappo jr

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So it has been solved?

If so, please update the subject line with [Solved] - your subject...

"it has to do with the right scroll bar I checked" - where did you manage to do this?

I have reduced the cells of the modalsheet so that the scroll bar does not appear. The more than solved problem has been 'circumvented'.
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