In 2016 it was not allowed to automatically CLOSE the "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS" activity.
In my app I select a poem, start an SMS intent, edit the poem and Send, ending up in Messenger.
Is there a way to Return to my app OR programmatically close the SMS activity?
Close Android Intent
I am using the following to load "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS". Sub imgWiFiAvail_Click Dim i As Intent i.Initialize("android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS", "") StartActivity(i) End Sub In my "Starter" service, I do monitor the Connectivity Changed and write this to a variable...

Is there a way to Return to my app OR programmatically close the SMS activity?
Sub txnd_Click
Dim itxt As Intent
itxt.Initialize(itxt.ACTION_VIEW, "sms:")
itxt.PutExtra("sms_body", story.Text)
Log("after Finish") ' Messenger stays in foreground
Log("after RemoveAllViews") ' Messenger stays in foreground
' Activity.GetStartingIntent
' Return
End Sub