Hi All,
I have a dialog with and edit field, a combobox and an info button. If I click the info button, I shows an info dialog. When I close this second info dialog with its ok button, the first dialog is also closes. How can I prevent this?
Thanks in advance
I have a dialog with and edit field, a combobox and an info button. If I click the info button, I shows an info dialog. When I close this second info dialog with its ok button, the first dialog is also closes. How can I prevent this?
Thanks in advance
Main dialog:
dialog.Title = IIf(bKedv,"Nyugtavégi kedvezmény","Borravaló")
Dim p As B4XView = XUI.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 100%x, 150dip)
lblDialogHeader.Text = IIf(bKedv,"Megadhat kedvezményt a teljes nyugtára!","Adja meg a borravaló mértékét!")
edtDlgValue.Text = NumberFormat2(szlengedmeny,1,2,0,False)
Private ime As IME
cmbDlgAfter.mBase.Visible = True
If bKedv Then
cmbDlgAfter.SetItems(Array As String("%","HUF"))
cmbDlgAfter.SetItems(Array As String("%","HUF","FELKEREKÍT"))
End If
cmbDlgAfter.SelectedIndex = szlakedvsz
ime.SetCustomFilter( edtDlgValue, edtDlgValue.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBERS, "1234567890")
dialog.PutAtTop = True 'put the dialog at the top of the screen
Wait For (dialog.ShowCustom(p, "OK", "", "MÉGSE")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = XUI.DialogResponse_Positive Then
Info part:
Private Sub lblInfo_Click
Private ime As IME
Private xdialog As B4XDialog
xdialog.Initialize (Activity)
xdialog.Title = "INFO"
Private LongTextTemplate As B4XLongTextTemplate
LongTextTemplate.Text = $"A megadható érték háromféle lehet:
%: a nyugta végössegének adott része,
HUF: FIX összeg,
FELKEREKÍT: csak borravaló esetén, a nyugta végösszege és a megadott összeg közötti rész.
Ezek között úgy lehet váltani, hogy kattint az értéktől jobbra látható szövegen."$
LongTextTemplate.CustomListView1.DefaultTextBackgroundColor = XUI.Color_White
LongTextTemplate.CustomListView1.DefaultTextColor = XUI.Color_Black
Wait For (xdialog.ShowTemplate(LongTextTemplate, "OK", "", "")) Complete (Result As Int)
End Sub