Occasionally the following code running on an ESP8266 logs duplicate SSIDs:
as per this log:
However these duplicates appear to be false because they are not detected when scanning with an Android mobile phone or tablet.
Anyone have any suggestions why this may be happening?
Dim numberOfNetworks As Byte = wifi.Scan
Log("Found ", numberOfNetworks, " networks")
For c = 0 To numberOfNetworks - 1
Log("SSID: ", wifi.ScannedSSID(c), "|RSSI: ", wifi.ScannedRSSI(c))
as per this log:
Found 12 networks
SSID: DIRECT-E6-HP OfficeJet Pro 6970|RSSI: -47
SSID: Telstra1943|RSSI: -45
SSID: Telstra Air|RSSI: -86
SSID: Fon WiFi|RSSI: -87
SSID: TelstraAA2E98|RSSI: -85
SSID: PhHome-2.4|RSSI: -91
SSID: PhHomeGuest1|RSSI: -89
SSID: PhHome-2.4|RSSI: -88
SSID: PhHomeGuest1|RSSI: -89
SSID: BezawadaNetwork|RSSI: -91
SSID: BezawadaNetwork|RSSI: -91
However these duplicates appear to be false because they are not detected when scanning with an Android mobile phone or tablet.
Anyone have any suggestions why this may be happening?