B4R Question [SOLVED] Duplicate SSID


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Occasionally the following code running on an ESP8266 logs duplicate SSIDs:

Dim numberOfNetworks As Byte = wifi.Scan
Log("Found ", numberOfNetworks, " networks")
For c = 0 To numberOfNetworks - 1
     Log("SSID: ", wifi.ScannedSSID(c), "|RSSI: ", wifi.ScannedRSSI(c))

as per this log:

Found 12 networks
SSID: DIRECT-E6-HP OfficeJet Pro 6970|RSSI: -47
SSID: Telstra1943|RSSI: -45
SSID: Telstra Air|RSSI: -86
SSID: Fon WiFi|RSSI: -87
SSID: TelstraAA2E98|RSSI: -85
SSID: PhHome-2.4|RSSI: -91
SSID: PhHomeGuest1|RSSI: -89
SSID: PhHome-2.4|RSSI: -88
SSID: PhHomeGuest1|RSSI: -89
SSID: BezawadaNetwork|RSSI: -91
SSID: BezawadaNetwork|RSSI: -91

However these duplicates appear to be false because they are not detected when scanning with an Android mobile phone or tablet.

Anyone have any suggestions why this may be happening?


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Longtime User
I now realise that these are not false duplicates, but just access points with the same SSID and different MAC addresses, which I can see by revising the code:

Dim numberOfNetworks As Byte = wifi.Scan
Log("Found ", numberOfNetworks, " networks")
For c = 0 To numberOfNetworks - 1
        Log("SSID: ", wifi.ScannedSSID(c), "|MAC: ", bc.HexFromBytes(wifi.ScannedBSSID(c)), "|RSSI: ", wifi.ScannedRSSI(c))
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