Hi developers,
I'm getting crazy with an error that crashes my app when I try to write NDEF records to an NFC Tag.
It looks like I'm passing wrong array type, but I can't understand:
Here is a working code, used until now, NDEFRecords are hardcoded (R0,R1,R2...):
The code below does not work, but I need to use it in some way because I don't know the number of records in advance so they cannot be hardcoded...:
The error I get is:
But if I change the line:
it works, of course limited to a known number of records, from 0 to 4 in the example
The error line is related to:
in the WriteNdef sub
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
I'm getting crazy with an error that crashes my app when I try to write NDEF records to an NFC Tag.
It looks like I'm passing wrong array type, but I can't understand:
Here is a working code, used until now, NDEFRecords are hardcoded (R0,R1,R2...):
'connect to the tag, entry point for reading and writing!
Private Sub Ndef_Connected (Success As Boolean)
'Log($"Ndef reader/writer connected: ${Success}"$)
If Success = False Then
NFCTagWriter_Error (Starter.mloc.Localize("actwritetag_error_tag_not_connected"))
If isWriting Then
#if dev
LogColor("ActWriteTag>Writing mode",Colors.green)
#End If
Dim R0 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(0)))
Dim R1 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(1)))
Dim R2 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(2)))
Dim R3 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(3)))
Dim R4 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(4)))
Dim R5 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(5)))
Dim R6 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(6)))
Dim R7 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(7)))
Dim R8 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(8)))
Dim R9 As NdefRecord=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",TagText(9)))
End If
end sub
'write the records already created to the tag
Private Sub WriteNdef (Records() As Object)
Dim RecordsJO As JavaObject
RecordsJO.InitializeArray("android.nfc.NdefRecord", Records)
Dim message As JavaObject
message.InitializeNewInstance("android.nfc.NdefMessage", Array(RecordsJO))
TagTech.RunAsync("WriteNdef", "writeNdefMessage", Array(message), 0)
End Sub
The code below does not work, but I need to use it in some way because I don't know the number of records in advance so they cannot be hardcoded...:
'connect to the tag, entry point for reading and writing!
Private Sub Ndef_Connected (Success As Boolean)
'Log($"Ndef reader/writer connected: ${Success}"$)
If Success = False Then
NFCTagWriter_Error (Starter.mloc.Localize("actwritetag_error_tag_not_connected"))
If isWriting Then
'new V1.15
Dim recs(tagList.Size) As NdefRecord
For x=0 To tagList.Size-1
Dim str As String=tagList.get(x)
Log("Writing record: " & str)
recs(x)=NativeMe.RunMethod("createTextRecord",Array As Object("en",str))
End If
end sub
'write the records already created to the tag
Private Sub WriteNdef (Records() As Object)
Dim RecordsJO As JavaObject
RecordsJO.InitializeArray("android.nfc.NdefRecord", Records)
Dim message As JavaObject
message.InitializeNewInstance("android.nfc.NdefMessage", Array(RecordsJO))
TagTech.RunAsync("WriteNdef", "writeNdefMessage", Array(message), 0)
End Sub
The error I get is:
activitywritetag_writendef (java line: 3275)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Array has incompatible type: class [Landroid.nfc.NdefRecord;
at java.lang.reflect.Array.incompatibleType(Array.java:827)
at java.lang.reflect.Array.set(Array.java:477)
at anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JavaObject.InitializeArray(JavaObject.java:108)
at sos.exteryo.com.activitywritetag._writendef(activitywritetag.java:3275)
at sos.exteryo.com.activitywritetag._ndef_connected(activitywritetag.java:1588)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(BA.java:196)
at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA$2.run(BA.java:370)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6723)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:495)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:858)
But if I change the line:
The error line is related to:
RecordsJO.InitializeArray("android.nfc.NdefRecord", Records)
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
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