B4J Question [SOLVED]FTP Upload problem


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Hi to all,
I'm trying to transfer file via FTP.
When i use UploadFile method, file is transfered on FTP Server with a strange name.
Original File Name: "Nuovo documento di testo.txt" -> On FTP Server: "_CPCE6~8.TXT"

Original File Name: "Nuovo Foglio di lavoro di Microsoft Excel (2).xlsx" -> On FTP Server: "_VMR7H~K"

I've already tried to set control encoding
Public Sub Connect(Host As String, Port As Int, User As String, Password As String)
    ftp.Initialize("FTP", Host, Port, User, Password)
    Dim r As Reflector
    r.Target = ftp
    Dim ftpJO As JavaObject = r.GetField("client")
    ftpJO.RunMethod("setControlEncoding", Array("UTF8"))
End Sub

But result was the same.
Any suggest?


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sounds like the destination system (or the ftp-server itself is configured to use 8+3 filenames) only supports 8+3 filenames!?
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My error was to use File.Combine(DestinationFTP, FileName) in ServerFilePath parameter of FTP.UploadFile.
Because file.combine() return path with "\" and not with "/".
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