B4J Question [SOLVED] How To Find/Match A Character in a String


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How would I do something like this:

dim myString as String = "DONKEYKONG"
dim pos as Int = myString.CharAt(0) is in "ABCDEF"

Basically, does the first character of my string exist in the given comparison string?

I tried searching for a find() or match() but was unsuccessful.

I found this way:

    Do While "ABCDEFabcdef".Contains(confirm_code.CharAt(0))
        confirm_code = DB.GenerateSessionID

The interesting reason why I had to do this: when sending a URL like


if the code starts with A thru F (including lowercase) and a number, it gets converted into a weird character in the email.


The raw text of that email is this:

Please click this link to confirm this request:

Because it starts with a 'b' and a number, the email thinks it's some hex or other encoding... I think.

I did a search for this on the Internet and couldn't find anything about it, although it looks like I could change the text encoding header of the email from UTF-8. I'm not sure if that's the issue or not, but I'm basically just making sure those codes don't start with A thru F!

If anybody has any other ideas, I'm open to hearing them.