Android Question [SOLVED] Is it inside a polygon?


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Hi all
I use googlemapsextra to trace a simple polygon. I have lat/lnt inside. Then I try the code from this page

But the FindInZone sub say always false. I know my lat/lnt is inside near center of polygon. Each point of polygon is near or more than 250m
A small project that simply make calculation only whit some coordinates.


    9.6 KB · Views: 210


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Longtime User
Hi all I use googlemapsextra to trace a simple polygon. I have lat/lnt inside. Then I try the code from this page But the FindInZone sub say always false. I know my lat/lnt is inside near center of polygon. Each point of polygon is near or more than 250m A small project that simply make calculation only whit some coordinates.



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Thank @oparra
I read all your link and a little light turn on in my head.
All coordinate for a polygon is provided by googlemapsextra. Then in FindInZone sub, I add the first coordinate to the lists polx and poly. This close polygon.
And now it's working well and fast.
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