Android Question [Solved]Need help with Osmdroid - Scale not showing and ....

Mark Read

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
This is driving me nuts. I have three problems with this code.
1. The scale does not show
2. The compass does not show
3. I cannot get the map to center on the man icon.

I would be grateful for any help. The problems are listed in priority.


    82 KB · Views: 181

Mark Read

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
[Solved] Took the original code from Warwound and progressively added mine. Now it all works and looks the same as before! File must have been corrupt.
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The OSMDroid examples i created (a while back) were all created with an older version of B4A.
That was around the time when android versions 2.? were current.

The manifest files in those examples is likely different to the manifest file created by a new version of B4A - the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values will differ i think.
That difference has likely caused a problem with the hardware acceleration and that's likely to be why your scale and compass do not appear.

(A bit of a guess but if you have time you could check).

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Mark Read

Well-Known Member
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Good idea, I was using B4A 3.80. As I said I took your example 08 OverlayMapMyLocation which worked, added my code piece by piece. When all had been added, the code looked EXACTLY the same as the original which I had written but it worked!!??!?! Can only deduce that the original was damaged.

The Sdk's ie the manifests were the same in both versions. No idea but at least all is working.
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