iOS Question [Solved] Set/Get Text to Clipboard


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I tried the following but it is not working.

Sub SetTextToClipboard (Text As String)
    Dim Pasteboard As NativeObject
    Dim general As NativeObject = Pasteboard.Initialize("UIPasteboard").GetField("generalPasteboard")
    general.RunMethod("setString:", Array As Object(Text))
End Sub

Sub GetTextFromClipboard As String
    Dim Pasteboard As NativeObject
    Dim general As NativeObject = Pasteboard.Initialize("UIPasteboard").GetField("generalPasteboard")
    If general.IsInitialized Then
        Dim blnHasString As Boolean = general.GetField("hasStrings")
        If blnHasString Then
            Dim value As Object = general.RunMethod("string", Null)
            Return value
        End If
    End If
    Return ""
End Sub
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