Hello to all,
my app receive an SMS, read it, execute some actions, delete it, and send an SMS for to answer.
This is all inside a service, and it works very well !!
But now, my customer has changed the device, and the new have OS 4.2.2
My app works, but can't delete SMS
I knowed this problem, and I know that I need to register my app as an intent for to receive SMS, but I don't understand it very well.
I need a "dynamic receivers" as Erel explain here, but I am a newbie.
I thinked that when my service start, it register the intent, when the service stop, de-register it.
In my service, I have these routines:
Please, can you tell me how I can register my service as an android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED ??
But then, when an SMS is received, I need to do also or not ??
Many thanks for your help
my app receive an SMS, read it, execute some actions, delete it, and send an SMS for to answer.
This is all inside a service, and it works very well !!
But now, my customer has changed the device, and the new have OS 4.2.2
My app works, but can't delete SMS
I knowed this problem, and I know that I need to register my app as an intent for to receive SMS, but I don't understand it very well.
I need a "dynamic receivers" as Erel explain here, but I am a newbie.
I thinked that when my service start, it register the intent, when the service stop, de-register it.
In my service, I have these routines:
Sub Service_Create
server.Start(5555) ' is an http service
Dim n As Notification
n.Icon = "icon"
n.SetInfo("SendSMS attivo", "", Main)
Service.StartForeground(1, n)
Timer1.Initialize("Timer1", 10000) ' 10 seconds
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Tick ' every 10 seconds.....
' read SMS
Dim smsmanager As SmsMessages
Dim Lst As List
Lst = smsmanager.GetAll()
Dim smsmsg As Sms
For idx = 0 To Lst.Size - 1
smsmsg = Lst.Get(idx)
If smsmsg.Address = "the right phone number" Then
' execute my action........
smsmanager.deletesms(smsmsg.Id) ' <<<<<< this line don't work
End If
End Sub
Please, can you tell me how I can register my service as an android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED ??
But then, when an SMS is received, I need to do also or not ??
Many thanks for your help