Hi everyone,
take a look at the following query:
The previous query with the same database installed both in Android 4.2.2 and Android 7.0 in the second works perfect but in the first it reports the error that the [10_Departments].[DepID] column was not found. I was selecting before [10_Departments].* and it was reporting that the table [10_Departments] was not found. The fact is that in both SDK cases it is there as it is the same database installed with the b4a bridge...
Any insights anyone?
Edit - Both in DB Browser for SQLLite and SQLite Expert Personal 5 the query executes against the database with no problem.
Edit#2 - SQL library connects to the database as in another activity I read data from it with no problem (plain query - no join query - not the same table).
Edit#3 - I tried to read the records from the table with a plain query (f.e. "SELECT * FROM [10_Departments]") and it executes with no problem (the table is there).
take a look at the following query:
SELECT [10_Departments].[DepID] AS DepID, [70_Types].[TypeName] AS TypeName,
[10_Departments].[DepName] AS DepName, [10_Departments].[Description] AS Description,
[10_Departments].[HTML] AS HTML,[70_Pictures].[PictureFilename] AS PictureFilename,
[40_AvailableDeps].[DepID] AS AvailDepID
FROM (([70_Types] INNER JOIN (([80_Deps_Pictures] INNER JOIN [10_Departments] ON
[80_Deps_Pictures].[DepID] = [10_Departments].[DepID]) INNER JOIN [70_Pictures] ON
[80_Deps_Pictures].[PicID] = [70_Pictures].[PicID])
ON [70_Types].[TypeID] = [10_Departments].[Type])
LEFT JOIN [40_AvailableDeps] ON [10_Departments].[DepID] = [40_AvailableDeps].[DepID])
WHERE [10_Departments].[Type] = 2 ORDER BY [10_Departments].[DepID]
The previous query with the same database installed both in Android 4.2.2 and Android 7.0 in the second works perfect but in the first it reports the error that the [10_Departments].[DepID] column was not found. I was selecting before [10_Departments].* and it was reporting that the table [10_Departments] was not found. The fact is that in both SDK cases it is there as it is the same database installed with the b4a bridge...
Any insights anyone?
Edit - Both in DB Browser for SQLLite and SQLite Expert Personal 5 the query executes against the database with no problem.
Edit#2 - SQL library connects to the database as in another activity I read data from it with no problem (plain query - no join query - not the same table).
Edit#3 - I tried to read the records from the table with a plain query (f.e. "SELECT * FROM [10_Departments]") and it executes with no problem (the table is there).
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