I would like to use the phone as a ftp server. For this to work I need to be able to put the wifi in AP mode. This is quite easy on raspbian with hostapd, however it would help me a lot if I could get this working on Android. I am suspecting that this mode is not possible on Android non Rooted devices.
So just to be clear, I want to switch the wifi radio on the phone to access mode (No internet needed). Then when a client connects to the AP the phone must give the client a dhcp ip address. Gateway / DNS is irrelevant, as it wont be used. The client then upon connection initiate a ftp call to the phone with the AP on. Pulls the file, and disconnects. And that's it.
So just to be clear, I want to switch the wifi radio on the phone to access mode (No internet needed). Then when a client connects to the AP the phone must give the client a dhcp ip address. Gateway / DNS is irrelevant, as it wont be used. The client then upon connection initiate a ftp call to the phone with the AP on. Pulls the file, and disconnects. And that's it.