Android Question [SOLVED workaround] - IME and Edittext Bottom Anchored

Gianni Sassanelli

Active Member
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Longtime User
Good morning experts.

I would like to use more Edittext anchored at the bottom but when the keyboard opens I can't see this views if are on bottom of Page because them are covered by soft keyboard.

I also tried the IME b4x example and I have changed the anchoring of the editTexts and moved them to the bottom. But when the softkeyboard opens the views remain invisible.

Is there an automatic way to handle this behaviour or do I have to handle everything by code?

I'm trying to insert the edittext views in a scrollview and trying to use scroll method, but i don't know if this can be a correct way.

Can i have some example of correct use please?

Thanks for all the advice.

Gianni Sassanelli

Active Member
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Longtime User
i have solved my question with a work around
I don't know if it's the right way, but for me it's enough

I'm attaching a simply project derived from Erel IME sample with b4x pages


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