here is the error
Parsing code. 0.00
Compiling code. 0.02
Compiling layouts code. 0.03
Generating R file. 0.05
Compiling debugger engine code. 0.68
Compiling generated Java code. Error
Error compiling designer script.
File: basiccal, variant: General script
Line value: btnMatDot.Width = btnMatDot.Height = 17%x;
javac 1.8.0_25
src\b4a\example\designerscripts\ error: ';' expected
1 error
and here is my designer code
'All variants script
pnlMathBg.Height = 100%y
pnlMathBg.Top = 0%y
pnlMathBg.Width = 100%x
pnlMathBg.Left = 0%y
labMatCal.Height = 5%y
labMatCal.Top = 1%y
labMatCal.Width = pnlMathBg.Width - 3%x
labMatCal.Left = 1%y
labMatTot.Height = 10%y
labMatTot.Top = labMatCal.Bottom + 0.5%y
labMatTot.Width = labMatCal.Width
labMatTot.Left = 1%y
labMatSwitch.Height = 8%y
labMatSwitch.Top = 90%y
labMatSwitch.Width = labMatSwitch.Height
labMatSwitch.Left = 1%y
btnMatDot.Width = btnMatDot.Height = 17%x;
btnMatDot.Left = 1%x
BtnMat0.Width = BtnMat0.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat1.Width = BtnMat1.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat2.Width = BtnMat2.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat3.Width = BtnMat3.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat4.Width = BtnMat4.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat5.Width = BtnMat5.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat6.Width = BtnMat6.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat7.Width = BtnMat7.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat8.Width = BtnMat8.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat9.Width = BtnMat9.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMat00.Width = BtnMat00.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatPer.Width = BtnMatPer.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatClr.Width = BtnMatClr.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatMul.Width = BtnMatMul.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatDiv.Width = BtnMatDiv.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatAdd.Width = BtnMatAdd.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatSub.Width = BtnMatSub.Height = btnMatDot.Width
BtnMatEq.Width = BtnMatEq.Height = btnMatDot.Width
btnMatDot.Width = btnMatDot.Height = btnMatDot.Width
what am i doing wrong here?
i am trying to achieve something like this
is there a better way to achieve this, i think my code looks messy
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