Something we should say :


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
I want to use this forum to express gratitude and, a humble salute, to the following two groups of workers :
  1. All the Doctors, Nurses, healthcare workers, care-givers and volunteers who are helping the sick at unselfish risk, we hear many have become infected and unfortunately died as a result; and,
  2. The journalists and news reporters and correspondents who continue to go out into these environments (of war and epidemic) to keep us all informed of the true information, true facts and help to make available ways and means to ensure our safety, and, to deal with that which will still come to many of our environments in an informed manner.
to express condolences to those who have lost family, relatives, friends and colleagues

while this is hardly Chit Chat, I hope many of you will join me in this expression . . . . . . .
