A car is travelling towards point B with the speed of light. The driver turns the lights on.. Which one arrives @ point B first, the car or the light?
What happens when light reaches infinity?
A car is travelling towards point B with the speed of light. The driver turns the lights on.. Which one arrives @ point B first, the car or the light?
What happens when light reaches infinity?
By that do you mean time?velocity?
Error: interger divided by 0What happens when light reaches infinity
By that do you mean time?
Velocity means speed
so, Time, since velocity is a function of time
Except that time is affected by travel through space so the calculation of either is arguably neither constant nor, perhaps, consistent. So the travel towards infinity means we'll get there at different times andvelocity is a constant
Error: interger divided by 0
Except that time is affected by travel through space so the calculation of either is arguably neither constant nor, perhaps, consistent. So the travel towards infinity means we'll get there at different times and
And apparently, wives might be the same all over... We heard the same conversation.... Which brings me to chaos theory and the butterfly sneezing....It's like when your wife is saying
So if you devide by 0
Because if you have 2 divided by zero you should have 2 and so onWhy is it that if you divide zero by zero you don't get one?
Why is it that if you divide zero by zero you don't get one?