spinner with 2 colums


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i get from a webservice a string like name1:Value1;name2:Value2;

is it posible to show in the spinner the values (value1, value 2 ) but when you select a value i get the name as return value.

In vb6 i would do it with a combobox with 2 colums and hide column1 (with the names) and show in column2 the values.


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EddieW ..

Can't find anything on the Spinner Control but for your info you can do exactly that with ListView.
I mimic VB Combobox with a label and adjoining ImageView containing a DownArrow.
Clicking Arrow shows / hides ListView.

'using .AddTwoLines2 allows me to specify return value for click events...
lvwCombo.AddSingleLine2(Value1 & Value2, ReturnValue)
lvwCombo.AddTwoLines2(Value1 , Value2, ReturnValue)

Cheers mj

Edit .. Just found this , might be of interest

Cheers mj
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Thanks Mangojack,

They want to use a spinner but the idea with a map could work.
Pitty that the spinner dont support multicolums.
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Code below should work as long as your values do not contain commas. A better approach is to fill a list with your data and point to the chosen one, using the Position of spinner.
Sub Globals
    Dim sp As Spinner 
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    sp.Initialize ("sp")
    sp.AddAll (Array As String ("name10,name11","name20,name22"))
    Activity.AddView (sp,0,0,60%x,15%y)
End Sub

Sub sp_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim rt() As String 
rt=Regex.Split (",",Value)
End Sub
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Longtime User
Thanks for the sugestion but dont think it would work for my situation because
i dont want to see the names only the values.

the sting i get from the webservices is name1:Value1;name2:Value2 and i cant change the webservices.

I solved it with a map object filling the spinner with the values and after spinner_selectedItem lookup in the map the Name.
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