Hi !
i use sqlite access inside my application.
i've the database 'my_base.db'... forms, queries, ...
To export data from my application to another device, i put queries inside 'my_script.txt' file
Like this :
2) Always from my application but from the other device. i want import the data.
Have you an idea ? SQLIte Command from shell ? consider the database already exist. Difficult to parse the file an create queries with SQL1.ExecQuery(Query) inside b4a...
Need advices !
Thanks !
i use sqlite access inside my application.
i've the database 'my_base.db'... forms, queries, ...
To export data from my application to another device, i put queries inside 'my_script.txt' file
Like this :
insert into t_something (Pk_key,Title, other) values (1,'k,jjkljl','fsdfsdfsdf')
insert into t_other (Pk_key,Title, other) values (1,'k,jjkljl','fsdfsdfsdf')
insert into t_big (Pk_key,data, ...., ....) value (1, 'jkljklj', 'jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk', 'jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk''jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk''jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk''jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk''jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk''jhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk')
2) Always from my application but from the other device. i want import the data.
Have you an idea ? SQLIte Command from shell ? consider the database already exist. Difficult to parse the file an create queries with SQL1.ExecQuery(Query) inside b4a...
Need advices !
Thanks !