Following the tutorial here
for connecting bluetooth to android I managed to connect android to stm32 with bluetooth (HC-06 in this case).
The connection pins are as explained here .
The HC-06 requires 5v as vcc but the rx -tx pins use 3.3v so they connect directly to the stm32 rx-tx pins.
The led pin number has to change, I used 32 for the on-board green led.
for connecting bluetooth to android I managed to connect android to stm32 with bluetooth (HC-06 in this case).
The connection pins are as explained here .
The HC-06 requires 5v as vcc but the rx -tx pins use 3.3v so they connect directly to the stm32 rx-tx pins.
The led pin number has to change, I used 32 for the on-board green led.