I create a Panel on the bottom of my Activity to display a ProgressBar for a Background Thread. This works as expected, but as soon if i switch from Landscape to Portrait Mode and vice versa the Panel is not shown anymore?
Any Idea what could be the problem?
Thanks and best regards
Sub Globals
Dim ActivityPanel As Panel
Dim ProgressPanel As Panel
Dim ProgressInfo As ProgressBar
Dim infoLabel As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.AddView(ActivityPanel, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
CreateProgressPanel 'Create the Progress Panel
End Sub
Sub CreateProgressPanel
Log("Creating Progresspanel at " & (ActivityPanel.Height - 100))
ProgressPanel.Color = Colors.White
ProgressPanel.Visible = False
ProgressInfo.Progress = 0
infoLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
infoLabel.Text = "Loading..."
infoLabel.TextSize = 14
infoLabel.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
ProgressPanel.AddView(ProgressInfo, 25, 20, ActivityPanel.Width - 50, 45)
ProgressPanel.AddView(infoLabel, 25, 65, ActivityPanel.Width - 50, 18 * LV.Scale)
ActivityPanel.AddView(ProgressPanel, 0, ActivityPanel.Height - 100, ActivityPanel.Width, 100)
End Sub
Any Idea what could be the problem?
Thanks and best regards