Stretch large image to fit form background?


Licensed User
I am trying to stretch a large image to fit the background of the form sized at 240x264. I am compiling the executable to auto scale. The images are stretching as I would expect for the actual images using cStretchImage. However, there is no selection to apply cStretchImage to the form image that I can find.

I am trying to take a 480x528 image and have it stretch on my VGA pocket PC. The background is currently only showing a 240x264 pixel area of the image. My guess is that it is using the cCenterImage option by default. This makes it look blurry on the device.

I have tried using the following with the exact same results.
- Form.LoadPicture(Images(22))
- Form.Image = Images(22)
- Form.DrawImage (Images(22),0,0,Form.Width,Form.Height)

Is it possible to have a large image stretch down to the background size? Am I asking the right question? :)

Thanks in advance


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Licensed User
A form background has stretch mode by default, and you can't change it. Unless there is a library for it...?