Strings localization for PHP (like [B4X] Localizator)


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Hello everyone,
I don't know if this is the most correct place to ask this question :)

Currently I use [B4X] Localizator for the translation of the app through an Excel workbook as Erel shows in:
and it is great & simple :)

Well I would like to know if anyone knows any similar system to apply it within a web php, I currently use this code that I attach but it is horrible and old:

$lang['Next'] = 'Next';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Previous';
$lang['Goto_page'] = 'Goto page';
$lang['Joined'] = 'Joined';
$lang['IP_Address'] = 'IP Address';

$lang['Select_forum'] = 'Select a forum';
$lang['View_latest_post'] = 'View latest post';
$lang['View_newest_post'] = 'View newest post';

Thanks :)


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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for your reply :)
This shape is very similar to the one I use. I was looking for something as visual as putting it in a CSV file and being able to import with some utility or in another way ...