Suggested algorithm for app protection.


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The idea is, the server keeps track of total number of sold apps. If total apps sold is 100 and soneone tried to run the#101 then server will not activate it. In other words, sold apps must be more or equal to installed apps (but not less).
Is that a good idea?


Licensed User
Longtime User
The idea is, the server keeps track of total number of sold apps. If total apps sold is 100 and soneone tried to run the#101 then server will not activate it. In other words, sold apps must be more or equal to installed apps (but not less).
Is that a good idea?

bad idea.

if someone buy the app and uninstall it?

if you want to protect people on install your apk outside the Market you can do it with this lib


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Longtime User
Un-installed app will be deducted and therefor sold apps will be less than installed.. Which is a valid condition.. See first post.

what do you want to avoid? people install your app without pay for it?
if yes you can check if the app was installed from the google play and if it was then people paid for it.

what you are offering is something that cannot be accomplished.
you cannot get a total sold in real time and also what do you mean if number 101 tries to run your app? does all 100 need to run at the same time?
and then you check if number 101 tries to run it?? and if only 5 runs the app then 95 still can run it even if they got the app on an illegal way?


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Longtime User
Misunderstanding may be.
Idea is not to count running apps that would be funny. But to check installed apps.
But you are right it's not practical and I agree with you bad idea