Share My Creation Swing Copters Game!

Hi there, this is my first game I created, using Libgdx.

Swing Copters Game!



I must say Libgdx is really powerful, I got a stable 60 fps even in a Motorola Defy (1 core 800Mhz, 512MB RAM)!
Once you understand how Libgdx works (which is not complicated at all), the programming is really straight forward.
The core of the game is just about 225 lines of code! And most of the lines of codes is just declaring
and initializing variables.

There are still a few things I need to improve (like how it looks in a 10" Tablet), I'll be fixing it soon.

Hope you like it!
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Douglas Farias

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here on brasil dont is working too
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seem like he has been removed from the play store like other that have used this name: Swing Copters
Flappy Bird creator maybe complained to google and google banned him, or am i wrong socialnetis?


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Unfortunately yes, I lost the game and the account :(. Yesterday the original game was uploaded and it seems that he complained, and all the clones were gone. I can see that there are new clones now, I guess they will be removed sooner or later..

Anyway, It was a good start to understand Libgdx. I think that in combination with Box2D some amazing games can be developed now. I started to dig in to box2d yesterday and it seems extremely powerful.
For example a "cut the rope" game could be develop using Joints and delegate all the physics and collisions to box2d. The same for a 2d Runner like JetPack Joyride, somehow its similar to flappy bird, but you can delegate all the physics and collision stuff to box2d, so its more easy to work with rotated rectangles and all kind of shapes.


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why do they cancel your account ?, I'd like to know to be careful

Douglas Farias

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its a problem now u can only make a new account using another pc, ip, name, card *-*


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didn't they sent a warning or request for removal? I wonder why you can't clone a game that doesn't have any kind of gameplay patent.

they can erase 98% of all apps with that rule since they are all based on a simular app or idea.

Douglas Farias

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i remember my old account is banned because flappy bird xD
any warnings, only ban.

Try make new account, but not for now wait 5 6 days.
try make on another pc, change the images and publish again the app


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There was not warning or request for removal, they just sent an email saying that I was violating Intelectual Property and so the app was removed. And just after that there was a an email saying that I lost the account due to copyright infrigment and violating IP.

I really don't understand Google, They sould implement some sort of "strikes", and the 3rd mistake you make you lose your account. Sometimes you have just one mistake and you lose your account, and sometimes they are more tolerant and they just remove your app but not your acount.

This is the 4th account I lose in 18 months. You have one chance to apply for a request to get back your account, but they never step back in their decision, and they say they cant say you the real reason, just for security reasons. I read a lot about this problem in forums, and its a common problem.

Next time I'll just try to avoid all kind of copyright problems..


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I wonder why they don't ban big names like King, their Candy Crush is also a rip of from match3 games made a decade ago.

They must bring in enough money to keep an eye closed.


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i dont think that the reason they ban a account is because the game look similar to an other game, the reason they ban an account is because the game use the same graphics or same name !! thats why you can find 100's of flappy bird similar games but without the same graphics and name of course
so the game like socialnetis did "swing chopter" can be easy changed to "Parachutist" change some grafics and wallah you got a nice clone but wont be baned by google so i would advice socialnetis to change his game and dont give up, just be carful not to make a very same clone because you will be banned faster as you think


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Well its hard to say what the real reason is.
The idea of bringing back the 8-bit graphics to these days, was a really good idea, but the fact that no one else can use it its ridicolous, so I don't think the graphics have anything to do (but if you use the same backgorund, or same bird, then you probably would get some copyright infrigment). All the graphics in my game made were made from sratch inspired in the idea of 8-bits

I think the problem is a combination of the play-game and the name. I saw a "swing submarines" 3 days ago, which was the same idea, but there it was a submarine instead of a copter, and there were something similar to mines instead of axes, and the game got banned too. There was also a "Swing Miley" which the copter was a Miley Cirus head, and the axes were balls (a parody of a video song of hers) and also got banned.

I dont think that I will change things in the game to upload it again, I dont want to run another risk (its gets harder and harder to get new google play developer accounts once you lost a couple)


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I think, as developers ourselves, we should support Google's practice of not allowing clone Apps on the market.
Cloning will reduce the original author's revenues, and at the same time will also reduce our ability to innovate and produce
original work. Innovation is a function of protection.
Copyright is different from patent. You don't need to file a copyright in order to protect written intellectual property.
You only need to clearly mark it with your own copyright statement, then it is protected.
In order to clone legally one needs to show substantial and major enhancements.


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I agree when it comes to cloning for money like all these flappy clones were aiming for while everything was just the same exept the player sprite.

But if I want to clone another app just to make it suit my needs since the others are too bloated or missing options I don't see that this could be a problem.

And I doubt adding a string "copyright 2014" to my app protects me from all this, I thing you need to register your copyright somewhere to make it valid.


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I don't have a problem with developers cloning other developers games, as long as they don't copy the name directly to try to get downloads from users who are looking for the original game. My Invaders game clearly states it's inspired by the arcade original, so you can't mistake it for the Taito original.

So making games that are very similar to other games is fine, but directly copying them including the name is wrong.


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i think copy the idea is ok but still need to add some uniq features to the game to make it a uniq game
if you just change the images then its not very correct to do...