Hi guys and gals
My app will have a "sync" button, and or schedule...
The purpose will be to sync a "root" local folder with it counter-part remote one...
As for now, I only forsee the need to make sure that the remote folder mirrors the local one, and not the other way around...
Let's think of this as a survey app, which, either by user-click or by scheduling, updates the contents of a remote folder to mirror the local one...
What is best pratice to, and how to make sure that I don't end up always just copying/replacing existing files on the remote folder...
In my brainstorming session, I started thinking about creating a "TOC" file in to each subfolder, and another into the "root" folder listing current folders...
Then, when syncing, got through each TOC and compare to it's counterpart... if different, delete folder in remote and copy new from local...
Is this a good approach?
My app will have a "sync" button, and or schedule...
The purpose will be to sync a "root" local folder with it counter-part remote one...
As for now, I only forsee the need to make sure that the remote folder mirrors the local one, and not the other way around...
Let's think of this as a survey app, which, either by user-click or by scheduling, updates the contents of a remote folder to mirror the local one...
What is best pratice to, and how to make sure that I don't end up always just copying/replacing existing files on the remote folder...
In my brainstorming session, I started thinking about creating a "TOC" file in to each subfolder, and another into the "root" folder listing current folders...
Then, when syncing, got through each TOC and compare to it's counterpart... if different, delete folder in remote and copy new from local...
Is this a good approach?