B4J Question Tableview fill


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is it possible to fill a Tableview from the button to top?

I need to have the newest line always on top



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Use TableView.Items.InsertAt(0,yourData)

According to the description, this will force all the other items down (increase their index by 1)
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In its basic form a TV is based on a list, so you just order the list's items in accordance to the desidered effect.
If data are from a DB then use ORDER BY clause in your SELECT statement.

ps: or follow @Daestrum advice if what you need is just to insert the newest item on top of existing ones (even for an initially empty list).
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In its basic form a TV is based on a list, so you just order the list's items in accordance to the desidered effect.
If data are from a DB then use ORDER BY clause in your SELECT statement.

ps: or follow @Daestrum advice if what you need is just to insert the newest item on top of existing ones (even for an initially empty list).

Hi, yes I tried this before but it is not very efficient in my case as I receive x message to display per second....

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Logging MQTT/Firebase messages? Have a look at how Erel worked it out in his Chat demo based on MQTT (if I recall correctly).
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