Hello all ,
I started wrapping this project https://github.com/pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api a while ago after failing to make a multipart post that Telegram needs to send a photo
the project seems to be huge so I wrapped only features I needed at the current time .
I will try to keep this library updated with most requested features if any
Even newer :1.12
A new version with some features is released
Thank you kostefar
NEW : 1.06 :
I got busy so I almost stopped working on this library but for my own needs I updated it partially I don't remember my updates but If you wanted some feature that was missing , you might want to try this version .
If the feature you are looking for is still missing , You can motivate me with a donation to implement it
NEW : 1.05 :
Two new modifications :
1- Initialize method modified to accommodate timeout setting tele.Initialize(Token,EventName,connectTimeout,writeTimeout,readTimeout)
an attempt to solve issue reported by
here https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/telegram-bots-api.66458/#post-432967
2- error event
not sure if it would work as it should
NEW : Version 1.03 : Just re wrapping a newer (not the latest) version of original library.
I get timeout error but it might be due to partial block on Telegram here .
Can someone please test?
Author: SMM
Version: 1.01
Extract all files inside archive to your Additional Libraries folder
It is still a work in progress please note that bugs and errors are very likely to happen If you got any problem or you think a feature should be ported please post it here or send me PM .
I started wrapping this project https://github.com/pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api a while ago after failing to make a multipart post that Telegram needs to send a photo
the project seems to be huge so I wrapped only features I needed at the current time .
I will try to keep this library updated with most requested features if any
Even newer :1.12
A new version with some features is released
Thank you kostefar
NEW : 1.06 :
I got busy so I almost stopped working on this library but for my own needs I updated it partially I don't remember my updates but If you wanted some feature that was missing , you might want to try this version .
If the feature you are looking for is still missing , You can motivate me with a donation to implement it
NEW : 1.05 :
Two new modifications :
1- Initialize method modified to accommodate timeout setting tele.Initialize(Token,EventName,connectTimeout,writeTimeout,readTimeout)
an attempt to solve issue reported by
here https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/telegram-bots-api.66458/#post-432967
2- error event
Sub tele_error(error As String)
Log("FROM B4J: "&error)
End Sub
NEW : Version 1.03 : Just re wrapping a newer (not the latest) version of original library.
I get timeout error but it might be due to partial block on Telegram here .
Can someone please test?
Author: SMM
Version: 1.01
- Audio
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- duration As Integer
- fileId As String
- fileSize As Integer
- mimeType As String
- performer As String
- title As String
- Chat
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- firstName As String
- id As Long
- lastName As String
- title As String
- type As String
- username As String
- Contact
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- firstName As String
- lastName As String
- phoneNumber As String
- userId As Integer
- Document
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- fileId As String
- fileName As String
- fileSize As Integer
- mimeType As String
- thumb As CPhotoSize
- Location
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- latitude As Float
- longitude As Float
- Message
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- audio As CAudio
- caption As String
- channelChatCreated As Boolean
- chat As CChat
- contact As CContact
- date As Integer
- deleteChatPhoto As Boolean
- document As CDocument
- forwardDate As Integer
- forwardFrom As CUser
- from As CUser
- groupChatCreated As Boolean
- leftChatParticipant As CUser
- location As CLocation
- messageId As Integer
- migrateFromChatId As Long
- migrateToChatId As Long
- newChatParticipant As CUser
- newChatPhoto As CPhotoSize[]
- newChatTitle As String
- photo As CPhotoSize[]
- replyToMessage As CMessage
- sticker As CSticker
- supergroupChatCreated As Boolean
- text As String
- video As CVideo
- voice As CVoice
- PhotoSize
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- fileId As String
- fileSize As Integer
- height As Integer
- width As Integer
- SMMTeleBot
Events:- _updates (updates As List)
- sent (result As Message)
- Methods:
- GetUpdatesList (offset As Int, limit As Int, timeout As Int)
- Initialize (Token As String, EventName As String)
- rgetUpdatesList (offset As Int, limit As Int, timeout As Int) As List
- sendMessage (chatId As String, MessageText As String)
- sendPhoto (chatId As String, folder As String, filename As String, caption As String, reply_to_message_id As Integer, bForceReply As Boolean, bReplyKeyboardHide As Boolean)
- sendVideo (chatId As String, folder As String, filename As String, caption As String, reply_to_message_id As Integer, bForceReply As Boolean, bReplyKeyboardHide As Boolean, duration As Int)
- Sticker
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- fileId As String
- fileSize As Integer
- height As Integer
- thumb As CPhotoSize
- width As Integer
- Update
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- chosenInlineResult As ChosenInlineResult
- inlineQuery As InlineQuery
- message As Message
- updateId As Integer
- User
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- firstName As String
- id As Integer
- lastName As String
- username As String
- Video
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- duration As Integer
- fileId As String
- fileSize As Integer
- height As Integer
- mimeType As String
- thumb As CPhotoSize
- width As Integer
- Voice
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- duration As Integer
- fileId As String
- fileSize As Integer
- mimeType As String
- sendResponse
Methods:- Initialize
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- isOk As Boolean
- message As Message
Extract all files inside archive to your Additional Libraries folder
Dim tele As SMMTeleBot
Sub tele_updates(updates As List)
If updates.IsInitialized Then
For up = 0 To updates.Size-1
Dim u As Update =updates.Get(up)
Dim mmmm As Message =u.message
Log(mmmm.text&"this message was sent on"&DateTime.Date( DateUtils.UnixTimeToTicks( mmmm.date)))
Log("No updates")
End If
End Sub
Sub tele_sent(some As Message)
If some.IsInitialized Then
Log(some.caption&" message sent: "&DateTime.Time(DateUtils.UnixTimeToTicks(some.date))&CRLF&some.video.duration)
End If
End Sub
It is still a work in progress please note that bugs and errors are very likely to happen If you got any problem or you think a feature should be ported please post it here or send me PM .
SMMTeleBot.zip335.4 KB · Views: 1,173
SMMTeleBot103.zip274.5 KB · Views: 821
okhttp-3.3.1.zip316 KB · Views: 1,075
SMMTeleBot105.zip274.7 KB · Views: 817
SMMTeleBot106.zip297.4 KB · Views: 942
SMMTeleBot112.zip294.5 KB · Views: 695
SMMTeleBot113.zip35.8 KB · Views: 608
SMMTeleBot115.zip41.5 KB · Views: 680
java-telegram-bot-api-4.6.0.zip188.4 KB · Views: 720
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