I do not know whether the accident could have been prevented. It was not safe to stop and not safe to keep driving from what I understand.
There lies the issue... However, was it safe to
slow down (not safe to drive, not safe to stop - what is the alternative -
reduce your speed is logical)?
We as small public vehicle road users (me anyways) wonder if approaching large vehicles will run us over if we slow down to prevailing conditions (mostly YES on highways). This scares the be-jesus out of me..
I have had many encounters and have taken every opportunity to get off the road when this happens. However, in white outs, it is very difficult to find exits where you can get "out of the way" cause you simply can't see the signs!
The solution in such a case?
EVERYONE slow the
"F*%$" down to
"x" speed. This way - no one will run over the vehicle in front of them. When the vehicle in front of you is travelling at less than reduced speed - what do you do (good question)? At least you have time to (potentially) react without causing as much overall damage as high speed encounters would inflict.
Summary - the higher the contact speed, the greater potential for fatal results.
The solution - [ your response here ]....