Tester Phone


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I am looking for an Android 7.0 tester phone. It will never be connected to any cellular service – only for testing B4A software.

This seems like an incredible buy. Is anyone familiar with these phones?

Xgody Y19 Android 7.0 - $130 USD on Amazon.



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Longtime User
my wife's S6 just got OTA Android 7.01....
Maybe get a used one?


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I decided to give it a shot and purchased the tester phone:

Xgody Y19 with Android 7.0 - $130 USD on Amazon.


At first glance I think this is an incredible deal. Phone quality is high – probably not quite as good as my LG or Samsung phones, but definitely within 10% or so. I don't have cellular service so I don't know how call quality is, but all my apps worked – so I know they work with 7.0.

It's big. The screen size is 6 inches. I had the B4A bridge loaded within 5 minutes. Data transmission installing apps via the bridge seems faster than with my other phones.

With new phones approaching $1000 USD, I am amazed by this.
