Texas Holdem Calculator


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Texas Holdem Poker Calculator

Ok, here it is: the "premature" version of my Texas Holdem Calculator.
Place every file in the Basic4PPC directory
The use is pretty straightforward.

Choose CALC to choose random amount of hands set by the combobox.
The "Results" represent the percentage of outcomes. "Community" gives the normal distribution when all possible hands (133784560) are dealt. "You" gives the percentage of the random hands.

It is also possible to set the hole cards, flop, and turn to calculate respectively. On the "Cards" form the top 4 cars represent the suits. Pick the suit to display all the cards in that suit.
You have to pick 2 hole cards, 3 flop cards, 1 turn respectively to calculate the outcomes
Use "reset" to reset all the cards.

Beware that use on the desktop is fast but the PPC is significantly slower. I have to work on a lot of items yet to complete the application but I didn't want to withold the result thusfar....
I documented a lot to guide you all through the code. Hope you enjoy it.

I would really appreciate all the feedback as I put quite a bit of work into this application. Feel free to alter and play as it is a gift to the community out of gratitude to the help and support of you all, especially Erel.

Honesty compels me to give credit to the commercial application Poker Probablity which I own. The manual for this application (and for Texas Holdem) is obtainable at http://www.in4mus.com/docs/PokerProbCalc.pdf and to the site of Cactus Kev: http://www.suffecool.net/poker/evaluator.html

Thanks all, have fun!


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