Thanks to Everyone jumping to ChatGPT lookalike - ChatGPT now allows me in without waiting


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Longtime User
Since MS and G got into GPT fight, ChatGPT now allows me in without waiting and also without checking if I am human or robot !

Hope this continues so we users can get benefit from the huge data we gave them, finally.


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Longtime User
Coming soon, you can use ChatGPT with Bing in MS Edge browser.

I tried ChatGPT. I am not really like it and don't want to waste my time on it.
I can't understand what the fuss of this so-called AI. It is really not as intelligent as what some people claimed. Why Google and it's CEO so nervous about it?
Those YouTubers are making clickbait videos telling people that it can help them make money. In fact, I don't agree how helpful it is. I just think that some people are too lazy to use their brains. Some youtubers make videos which touched sensitive topics like the AI is gong to replace some jobs especially programmers. If you try to watch some of the videos, they are actually ONLY generate some point form ideas. I really disagree of these people trying to create chaos or unnecessary worries among the people.

I am not against other really smarter AI tools like DALL-E or MidJourney which can generate fantastic arts.

What I consider as AI is more far than this ChatBot.

Imagine I want to create a software in B4J, I will tell the AI what I want to do. Then it will prompt me some questions.

Me: AI, I want to start a new system.
AI: "Master, do you want to start a new B4J project?" (based on my frequent development habit).
Me: Yes, please.
AI: "Master, what kind of project you want to create?".
Me: (thinking)
AI: (after waiting a while and not getting any response from me) "How about a Web App using your latest version of libraries?"
Me: That's sound great. Let's do it.
AI: "Master, I already scaffolded a base project. Do you want to use SQLite backend for development?"
Me: Yes.
AI: "Master, database has been connected. I already added an Admin dashboard, added access control roles and enable basic authentication."
Me: Good. Let me take a look of some beautiful templates.
AI: (AI open a search for collection of templates)
Me: Can you find a template for e-commerce?
AI: "Yes, Master. I recommend this one."
Me: I want to create a shop selling computer hardware.
AI: "How about this one?"
When I run out of ideas and want to pause the work, it automatically save my project.

After few days, I can resume the same project and add more features. The AI can control my entire computer and showing where is my mouse pointer moving and open whatever program that I need. It can do a lot of automatic jobs at background. It can screen reading the error logs when debugging and find solutions. It can continue developing, testing and debugging. It can estimate how long I need to complete my project. It can tell me statistics and analysis. My system may be completed when I wake up in the next morning. ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't take ChatGPT as a intelligent one. It is a marketing gimmick made by big houses to create hysteria and interest.
I know it is a SQL Query front end with big big database of information gathered from us.
Only the SQL query can be written as a simple English language and the result are more or less a understandable for a English knowing person. I don't know if it supports other input language or not.

Since I am developing in C#, I need sample codes to accomplish various tasks, which are already there in Stack Overflow, Forums etc., but I save time by letting ChatGPT dig into it from its database, which is made from it.

As for YouTube frenzy, they are same as one minute Java Expert, Mastering this and that. All to cash in the latest craze and rake some moolah for them and G.

Loosing jobs (programmers or else) to AI is same as loosing jobs to Computers. I have lived that era and remember how I had to convince my staff members to let company install computers at our company. No one will lose their job but they just have to learn to do things differently than they are accustom to.

Advice is same now. Like computers, AI is here to stay.