Android Question The system cannot find the path specified


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Hi all, so I barely started with B4A a long time ago, but just recently am trying again with the new version. I am getting this error:
jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: C:\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-19\Projects\Hello\hello.keystore (The system cannot find the path specified)

The error makes sense because the path does not exist.
It is only good up to this point: C:\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-19\
I do not know why.
Any tips, pointers from anyone?

Thank you....

It happens during compile/run.
I'm just creating a blank project and really just testing.

B4A version: 5.20
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.02s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Generating R file. (0.20s)
Compiling generated Java code. (0.84s)
Convert byte code - optimized dex. (0.48s)
Packaging files. (0.10s)
Copying libraries resources (0.00s)
Signing package file (private key) Error

jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: C:\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-19\Projects\Hello\hello.keystore (The system cannot find the path specified)


Licensed User
Longtime User
You should use an keystore located in another folder. Maybe your b4a installation folder.
In the IDE go into setting (ide-tools-Private sign key) and setup your keystore correctly.

Note: Use the keystore file you generated ago. The installed apps on your device are bound to the used keystore.
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