Threat Protection - Mobile Apps


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Good Day my fellow B4X'ers,

I have come across this Appsealing site that is highly recommended for the protection of Mobile Apps against any hack attacks or other threats.

I'd like to ask your thoughts on this ??? Is this worthwhile or is it just another Fancy Anti-Virus ???

Can it protect our B4X Apps ???

Regards from a very hot South Africa...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is this worthwhile
With 99,99999% certainty: No.

If you actually represent a very large organization that handle exceptionally sensitive personal information (medical records, for instance) or large sums of money in some form - yes, then I suppose it could make sense to have a meeting with them to see what they can bring to the table.

Can it protect our B4X Apps ???
I'm sure it could be that it would slow down a determined hacker. But "protect" as in "stop a hacker"? I would say no, without knowing anything about their solution really.