Tools > Clean Files Folder


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This is probably a rare scenario, but I am starting a new project based on an old one so I removed a bunch of modules and layouts that I don't need in the new project.

I went to Tools > Clean Files Folder to clean up the folder and the list is so long that I can't get to the buttons at the bottom to confirm deletion of the files.

I'd suggest putting the list in a scrolling text box just in case the list is very long. ;)


  • unusedfiles.jpg
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Roger Garstang

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Yikes, looks like some code is needed to truncate that list. Might even be a good idea for him to make that a window with a listbox or something too instead of a msgbox.

If you still need to click the buttons it should still respond to keyboard. The normal stuff works Tab to toggle button, Spacebar to press focused button, Enter to press default button. Sometimes Y and N keys work for yes and no. (Assuming you know what the buttons are or can make them visible to see them) Clicking the system menu, right clicking the title bar, or Alt+Spacebar should get the system menu where you can move the window/messagebox too. Select Move with the keyboard and use arrow keys to move window so buttons are in view then press enter to complete move and you may be able to click them too.